At Iona we talk about developing the whole girl.

It is an expression of our belief that developing a girl’s character is as important as fostering her intellect.

After all, it is the whole girl who will eventually leave school and embark on life’s journey. How well prepared she is may well determine her success in life and her ability to contribute as a global citizen. The future of our girls depends on what we do today. We see our wellbeing strategy as a preventative approach, and one of the hallmarks of a great school.

The ethical responsibility of teachers, leaders and the governors of Iona is to consider, promote, balance and respond to all aspects of the student, including their physical, social, emotional, academic and spiritual needs. These considerations require deliberate expression and action across all curriculum areas, pastoral care, strategic priorities and teaching practices.

A student’s level of wellbeing at school is indicated by their satisfaction with life at school, their engagement with learning and their social-emotional behaviour.

It is enhanced when evidence-informed practices are adopted by schools in partnership with families/whanau and community.

Optimal student wellbeing is a sustainable state, characterised by predominantly positive feelings and attitude, positive relationships at school, resilience, self-optimism and a high level of satisfaction with learning experiences.

Our job is to prepare Iona girls for a world about which we know little. But what we do know is that a degree and good academic results will not be enough to secure their future. Iona graduates will have to demonstrate that they have character and not just intellect. This is where learning and wellbeing truly become inextricably linked.