In early March, 2016 the Education Review Office carried out an evaluation of the College. Iona was reviewed using a new set of school evaluation indicators which are currently in trial format.
Highlights from the report are below.
Trustees and leaders are improvement focused. They seek to raise performance further by setting targets for increased numbers of students achieving highly in each part of the school.
The school’s curriculum is effective in promoting learning. Curriculum design and planning is considered carefully for its responsiveness to students’ preferred interests, strengths and identified learning needs. Students are highly engaged in a wide range of curriculum opportunities which contribute to their holistic development and academic success.
Students are encouraged to step up to leadership roles. Many experience successes in their chosen pathways and activities. Student feedback indicates a high level of satisfaction with their education opportunities.
Facilities and resources are of high quality and provide an environment for up-to-date practice. This year teachers are participating in professional development for using digital technologies effectively to enhance teaching and learning, and for knowing the difference made for students.
Māori students are fully engaged in school life, well represented in activities and leading roles, and achieve highly.
The school is very well placed to sustain overall performance and improve outcomes for students. Trustees and proprietors provide values-based stewardship in consultation with the school community. Information received is used thoughtfully to plan for the best interests of students.
The principal leads the strategic and day-to-day operation of the school effectively. Since taking up her role she has assessed school strengths and identified areas where change is likely to enhance outcomes.
The principal, the board and council are supported by staff who are committed to students and the College. Some members have a long association with the school. Pride and belonging are strong amongst adults and students.
Regular reviews give assurance that accountabilities are met. Information gathering is inclusive of all community voices and responses are considered for improvement.
Iona College provides a Christian values-based secondary education for day girls and boarders. Wellbeing, opportunities for rich experiences and resilience for future learning are incorporated in the curriculum. Students are provided with high-quality facilities, individual support and a variety of interesting learning experiences. They enjoy school life and achieve highly.
The level of capability and conditions present in the school are favourable for continued improvement.
ERO is likely to carry out the next review in four-to-five years.
ERO commented on the high quality of care provided to the girls in the Boarding House and in regard to our International Student programme; ERO indicated that the girls were integrated into the school community and that feedback from students and their parents indicates high levels of satisfaction.
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42 Lucknow Road, Havelock North 4130, | Private Bag 1000, Havelock North 4157, New Zealand